Request Contract

A contract for services must be established between the author(s) and the Neurobiology Research Unit. This contract set the terms and responsibilities of each party and the pricing of additional services provided by Public-nEUro. Those services include but are not limited to, data curation and private hosting.

Download the contract and email the Public-nEUro team. If you choose to share world-wide, and depending on your Data User Agreement (see below) you also need to fill out and return either the controller to controller or the controller to processor standard contractual clauses.

NRU trust logo

Options & Pricing

- Basic package (4000DKK admin fee, 765DKK every following year) + 0.097DKK/GB/month
- BIDS curation (if you don't have the time or expertise) + 1000 DKK/hour
- Cold storage (if you want to keep your data but don't need hot access ) 1000 DKK
- Free hosting for open data (no admin fee, no storage fee, but no access control)
- Private hosting (just for you and your team) + 2000 DKK. (We manage your group, and only listed people have access to as many datasets you create - adding the basic 0.097DKK/GB/month. Private hosting means there is no check from our side of datasets, i.e. no data catalogue to make them findable or BIDS validation; this is just your data and files you want people in a group to be able to download - we can also just list the consortium for people to join, up to you).

Compute the estimate of cost for the next 10 years using this Google sheet as template (go the File-->Make a copy)

Data Curation

Data are prepared by users using the Brain Imaging Data Structure. Upon upload, data will be tested against the BIDS validator and rejected if not valid, unless the contract stipulates that Public-nEUro will curate the data.

All the files are represented as json file to reconstructed the dataset without direct access as seen on our data catalogue. We however also want to inform everyone of the dataset itself. For this we require that you fill this excel sheet, and it will be used to create the dataset information. We are also partnering with other groups in the world to make data as findable as possible, and we ask to edit your participants.tsv with NeuroBaguel. This can be done via browser here. This is not mandatory, but this will allow federated searches, increasing the impact of your dataset.

BIDS and NeuroBaguel logos

Data User Agreement (DUA)

Each data set must come with a Data User Agreement which sets the licensing terms between authors and users. Public-nEUro does not check the validity of such DUA, but will provide storage of the signed DUA alongside user information for the authors. It is recommended to use the Open Brain Consent DUA template and check with the institution's data protection officer. Key aspects of such DUA are (i) that the authors transfer data controller duties to users who must then comply with national and GDPR regulations - in the case only data processor rights can be used, the DUA must be signed by the user but with the data controller institution; Public-nEUro will give access only once instructed by the data controller (ii) users must agree that audits can take place to check there is no data breach. National regulations must be respected.

Upload instructions

Once the contract is ion place and you have your data ready. a link will be sent to you from computerome, our partner hosting the data. Simply select your folder and click upload (and don't be hesitate to reach out for help).